Monday, January 4, 2016

14 - ERC culminating activity part 1

Part 1 of ERC Culminating activity. This is the day that there will be speakers in different classes to represent their course and section. In this competition our professor in Pubspe 1 and 2 said that when you won this competition you will be automatically having a 4.0 grade in your final grades. Imagine that 4.0 in the finals that easy one time big time. But the contest is not easy as you think because you need practice and practice and you need to prepare to this competition. This is all about creativity and brains. Our classmates participate in this competition and represent our section. They tried to claim the price but unfortunately they didn't won. But I hope they have fun speaking in front of a huge crowd and representing our section. We're still proud of you guys! One AC One AC152!

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