Monday, January 4, 2016

15 - ERC Culminating Activity part 2

Part 2 of ERC Culminating Activity. This is the day that the whole class is representing the section AC 152 in the Speech Choir competition and one of our classmate represent our section in Ignite Speech competition. This is the day that I wont forget because this is the day that the whole class messed up in front of a huge crowd. We did not practice well and prepare for this event. Honestly there's a time that we don't care for this event because we are so much busy for some stuffs. We've just practice for 2 or 3 days for the competition. Imagine that 2 or 3 days? For a big event? We are not prepared for this event that is why we've messed up. I will not forget those days that we've messed up in front a huge crowd.

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